Friday, January 16, 2009

Good Morning Sisters

Although you did not hear from me yesterday I was praying for you and your kids!
I know God is faithful in His promises to us as I hope and strive to do the same in my prayer time, not always easy I must say. Life takes us too many directions and our children lead the way. I also realize that I need to learn to say no, and I have gotten better at this. I know God loves us right where we are but I also think that right where we are is not where He wants us, get it? I hope today finds you and your children in good places, spritually and physically. Satan pulls our kids so much through different mediums, especially movies, games, anything that he thinks gives him the upper hand. We must learn to say no to things we know are not in our best interest for our children. Our GOD is much bigger and we serve an awesome GOD. We are blessed.

Love, in Christ,

1 comment:

Dana Williams said...

Amen, Lynda! Preach it!