Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Humility and our limp

Tess, beautifully spoken. I was not surprised to see in your profile you are a writer! How wonderful! What do you write?

Yes, our humility must be tantamount to praying for our kids. Isn't it always the case that we preach and postulate to our children only to find ourselves falling flat on our face with our own humanity. If we must get up from our humble knees, we better remember to walk with our limp!

I used to be offended by the phrase "I die daily" (it was quite popular in charismatic churches in the late 90's), until I realized how much in me needed to die. I truly believe that the more humility our children see in us - the more we allow them to see our humanity and dependence on God, it testifies to His greatness. When I've had to humble myself and apologize for allowing my flesh to get the better of me, the more respect I see creep across my kids expression.

That, alone, makes humbling myself in front of them worth every piece of embarrassment.

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